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Sedona Retreat

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Are you ready for Illumination, Transformation, and Rebirth? Join us on a mesmerizing journey amidst the red rocks of Sedona, where we’ll immerse ourselves in the vortexes of the sacred land, release ancestral karma, and share in ceremonial circles and celebrations.

September 5-11, 2024

As the radiant sun enfolds the enchanting landscape of Sedona in a golden embrace, you stand amidst the sacred medicine wheel, its ancient stones aligned with cardinal directions, alive with ancestral energy.

With each step, you sink into the earth, anchoring yourself firmly in the present moment.

Closing your eyes, you merge with the earthly and divine realms, feeling a unity with the land and the spirits that dwell within it.

A serene tranquility envelops you, as if the mountains themselves whisper their timeless wisdom into your soul.

sunrise sedona
sedona arms

In this ethereal sanctuary, the chaos of daily life fades away, leaving only a profound stillness and a deep awareness of interconnectedness. You realize your place in the grand tapestry of existence, a cherished thread woven into the fabric of creation.

With arms outstretched in gratitude, you offer homage to the heavens, knowing that this sacred moment will forever resonate within you.

Stepping away from the medicine wheel, you carry forth a renewed purpose, a deeper connection to self, and an enduring reverence for the transformation you have experienced.

There is a knowing deep within your soul, you have been forever changed.

By the end of the transformational journey, you will:

  • Emerge with enhanced intuition and a greater sense of empowerment, ready to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and clarity
  • Feel the sheer excitement that comes from embracing self-care and wholeheartedly loving yourself without any reservations, enabling you to open yourself up, flourish, grow, and truly embrace the profound power of self-love.
  • Embrace the pure bliss of immersing yourself in the company of like-minded friends who not only share your passions but also genuinely understand and appreciate you. Together, we will create sacred space where you can authentically express yourself, engage in meaningful conversations, and forge lasting connections with those who truly “get” you.
“I want to thank Jill and D. Francis for a fantastic retreat. I feel even more connected to all that is as a result of attending the retreat. And I made some wonderful new friends!”

David Karg

buddha sedona
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