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England Retreat

England cover

Are you ready for Pilgrimage, Ceremony, and Heart Opening Wisdom? Join us on a captivating journey across England, where we’ll delve into the mysteries of megalithic stone circles, explore ancient mystical locations, and share in ceremonial solstice and full moon celebrations.

June 15-23, 2024

As the sun descends below the horizon, casting a mesmerizing glow over the majestic stones of Stonehenge, you stand in the company of fellow Lightworkers, greeting the arrival of the summer solstice. The grandeur of the stones transports you to a profound connection with the ancient wisdom of those who walked before us.

With deep reverence, you extend your hands in honor of the sacred moment where the sun and earth harmoniously converge in tranquility. As your eyes gently shut, you feel an intense connection with the land and the ancient spirits who joyfully dance alongside you. Inhaling deeply, you expand your awareness to embrace illumination, abundance, and the unity of Divine Oneness.

In this moment, you release all aspects of yourself that no longer align with your purpose, simultaneously igniting a sacred flame within your spirit to honor your multidimensional connection to all that is. With gratitude in your heart, you engrave this moment into the very core of your soul, recognizing that you have undergone an everlasting transformation.

stonehenge sun
full moon

Can you imagine the pure pleasure of ceremonies to celebrate the summer solstice and the full moon, while receiving divine healing to welcome the paradigm of the New Earth?

How awesome would it be to explore endless possibilities for transformation by experiencing ancient portals of energy, while taking that leap of faith towards new explorations?

Can you envision the pure enjoyment of spending quality time with like-minded soul travelers who appreciate your uniqueness?

Are you ready to feel spellbound and relish the splendor of life, while experiencing deep healing through channeling, DNA activations, and workshops to fully embrace the NOW?

Wouldn’t it feel empowering to ignite the flame of remembering past lives, while embracing the profound wisdom of integration within your essence?

By joining us on this journey, you will:

  • Engage in transformational workshops designed to elevate our consciousness and expand our souls.
  • Dive into a profound exploration of the historical link between ancient stone circles and the energies that shape our future.
  • Participate in solstice and full moon ceremonies, in addition to receiving healing activations and trance channeling wisdom from the cosmic realms.
“I want to thank Jill and D. Francis for a fantastic retreat. I feel even more connected to all that is as a result of attending the retreat. And I made some wonderful new friends!”

David Karg

crystal hand
chakra man

Are you ready to explore the wisdom of your heart, learning to activate and balance the high heart chakra, inviting divine inner transformation and soul expansion?

Imagine yourself standing in the sacred energy of the megalithic stone circles, contributing to the construction of healing grids for Mother Earth?

As you explore ancient prehistoric sites, you will be learning powerful tools to anchor in unity ascension codes within your Consciousness.

  • Through powerful activations and initiations, reconnect with the I AM presence as you celebrate carrying the Light of Creator within your soul!
  • Envision the thrill of exploring sacred alchemy while learning to fearlessly step into your passion and purpose!
  • Participate in powerful ceremonies and rituals celebrating the summer solsticewhile feeling a sense of rebirth from the energy of the Full Moon!
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