It is imperative that we all disconnect from our daily lives from time to time. And what better way to accomplish this “rebooting” opportunity than to spend 3 to 9 days visiting beautiful places while experiencing spiritual growth and expansion?
Who better to lead your Spiritual Retreat than Twin Flames Jill M Jackson and Mystic D. Francis? Jill is a 2-time Psychic of the Year award-winning Medium who is also a Reiki Master, certified in past life regression, an acclaimed Spiritual Teacher and Author, and an esteemed Wayshower!
D. Francis is a Reiki Master Teacher, a Psychic Medium, and an unbelievable Sound Healer. D. Francis has received sacred downloads instructing him to lead Spiritual Warriors to power spots around the globe gridding and activating blueprint codes for expansion, ascension, and evolution.
Each Spiritual Retreat will be a very different experience. However, each retreat offers an occasion for personal transformation, gaining a greater understanding of who you are and what you came here to accomplish, deepening the Intuitive voice within, along with possible awakenings and attunements to higher levels of consciousness.
Spiritual Retreats also have a way of connecting us to our Soul Tribes and new Like-Minded Forever Friends!
Make sure you are included in Jill’s free Newsletter, so you can be informed of the new retreats being offered.
Say YES to one of these life-changing dynamic soul growth experiences!
Full Moon Wisdom of the Heart: Pilgrimage Through Megalithic Stone Circles
June 15-23, 2024

Ignite Intuition, Release Ancestral Karma
& Anchor New Earth Energies!
September 5-11, 2024